Friday, June 15, 2012

So what's happening?

There’s so much to write, so much to be shared. All these days, I was away from blogging for I found tweeting & facebooking more convenient. Plus, you get more comments and likes than you do on a blog. All that accompanied by indolence made me stay away from the blog for a very long time. 

But I have to admit that, I really missed writing. On Twitter the max that you can write is just 140 characters and on Facebook people don’t like reading long posts. So the only option left for a ‘writer’, is to go back to the world of blogging. Don’t know how many are going to read the posts, but at least it will satisfy my quest for writing. 

You can keep a track of the everyday happynings on my twitter account, at sJain00.

Also, I launched my company's website a couple of days back. You might like to see it : 

feedback welcomed : )

It is time to hit the bed now. As I bid adieu, I promise to write again very soon. 

much love

1 comment:

nibbles said...

I'm glad to see you blogging again...I missed your posts!:) Please do post regularly now...looking forward to more delightful reading!:)