Imagine a situation where there is total chaos all around, where the ‘elected’ government is doing everything apart from giving governance and there are scams coming out of the closet every now and then. Media playing the role of a Judge, Government a mute spectator and the common man staring at the shocking developments (read: mockery of the nation) in utter disbelief. Tired of the prevailing anarchy and realizing the gravity of the situation, suppose you decide to go on an indefinite fast unto death asking for a particular law to be passed and threatening the Government that if your demands are not met with, you’ll sacrifice your life for the nation.
Welcome to the current state of ‘saddyinnings’ of our country where monarchy is being proposed as an alternative to anarchy. Anna and team are going to sit on an indefinite fast unto death from this 16th demanding a speedy implementation of the Jan Lokpal Bill, a supposed ‘elixir’ to all the prevailing corrupt practices. Without getting into the details of the bill I would like to draw your attention to another significant development (read: disturbing) that has come out of the proposed ‘fast’. The civil society is using pressure tactics... no chuck euphemism... it is hell bent on blackmailing a democratically elected government by coercion. The Government has been left with options – Do or let us die.
I see a situation of monarchy in development. Isn’t it ironical that on one hand you take pride in the glorious democracy of our country, and on the other hand you yourself are actually challenging the very basis of our democracy? It was envisioned by our great Constitution makers that the Laws would be made by the members of the Parliament duly elected by the citizens of the country but the social activists seem to have forgotten that?!
Agreed that the situation is very troublesome and worrying, but there are other ways of overcoming them. I for one support Anna’s intention, but I vehemently oppose his ways of protest. Fasting is meant to be done for body purification and not as a blackmail tactic. The ideal way to go about things is by either getting inside the system, stand for elections, give good governance, and ensure more transparency or make more and more people aware about their biggest power, the RIGHT TO VOTE. It is not that all the politicians are corrupt, but just that good and honest people are seldom voted to power.
Talk to youth, inspire them, give them a hope for a better Government and make voting 100% compulsory and you’ll see the wind of change blowing in the right direction.
Also remember to intake your meals because with an empty stomach you’ll probably lack the energy to fight for the cause.
PS. all said and done, I do not doubt Anna's intention, just don't agree to his methods : )
1 comment:
I agree with you...I have always considered such moves as nothing else but blackmail tactics and these days it is nothing more than a joke! An informed and persuasive discussion is the need of the hour!
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