Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another day, another scam!

When the politicians are exposed greasing their palm,
We the naive taxpayers are asked to maintain our calm.
Headlines read: Another day, another scam
And Netas keep shouting that the reports are a sham.

Yesterday morning, Delhi was rocked by a blast.
Innocent people killed, while many left aghast.
The Home Minster like always came with a cliché that the perpetrator wouldn’t last,
Conveniently forgetting our tumultuous past,
When promised action wasn’t taken fast.

Important thing to remember is that these politicians are one of us,
So it doesn’t make sense for us to crib and fuss.
Time has come for us to be precise
And tell our politicians that Hey! Get your act together and act wise.
Otherwise be prepared to repent for all your vice.

We the people have a voting right,
And have immense power to make our future bright.
If one Anna can make you weak in knees,
A country full of Anna’s can break your knees.

1 comment:

nibbles said...

Very well written and it is great to read such a refreshing take on the burning issues of the day!:)